Thursday, October 28, 2010

Tactical problems

First, a tactical problem is a decision or movement that the player must make or do to continue in a game. For example some tactical problems for soccer could be, get the ball, keep the ball, make a shot on net and score a goal.
soccer is considered to be in the invasion game invasion games category. One tactical problem for invasion games is defending the goal, there are a few games that help students practice this problem. One game is capture the flag, where both teams have a flag and must defend it as well as attempting to capture the opposing teams flag. Another game that practices this tactical problem would be shadow tag, there are two teams (defenders and invaders) this is played in the dark with flashlights in a wooded area. The defenders set up a base, or a location that they must defend. The invaders start as a team sneaking there way into the location if an invader is caught they are sent back to their starting point or in jail (out of the game). The goal is that all the invaders must make their way to the location if the team makes it they win but if the defenders capture or succeed in stopping all the invaders before time runs out than they have successfully defended.


  1. Your second game sounds very interesting and fun!

  2. thanks ... it's kinda something my sisters and cousins made up while camping and kept modifying over the years ... we even played it in town over a couple blocks and through a graveyard haha I don't suggest it though
