Sunday, September 19, 2010

assignment #1 What is your philosophy when it comes to teaching physical education to children. What is worth teaching?

When thinking of my philosophy on teaching physical education I think of opportunities. The opportunities I am speaking of are to make a difference in children's lives. if its a small gram of self worth, confidence, or even improvement of a skill that that child already possesses, I believe it is worth the knowledge, the time and the effort of the teacher. When teaching children, not only in physical education but whenever you interact with a child, I believe that you are imparting upon that child, or group of children, a set of morals. These morals include most, if not all of the objectives that we have been taught in class. I believe that all children no matter the disability or inability should be included in the activity going on in class. There is a level of bullying or exclusion of students that are “different”, and because of this bullying children on both ends (the bully and the victim) are treated differently through the school system, either by the children or the teacher, and mostly these different children are misunderstood. I would love the opportunity to teach children how to state their emotional needs, or learn how to rise above the problems they are experiencing to become a better person, and an example to others.
When teaching physical education I believe as a teacher that you must be aware of the students needs as a group and singularly, as an individual and a student. When addressing a class the teacher is responsible for a cohesive study time for all students, the teacher should be aware of how the students work as a group and how each student has a different set of special needs. In addressing the special needs of students in a physical education class a teacher is able to involve everyone to that students utmost ability, and by doing so the student can feel apart of the group (student, school, community) and will possibly be more willing to cooperate in the next instance, class, or community activity.
When teaching I hope to be honest with my students. I would like to be able to communicate with my students, telling them what I expect of them and how I am willing to work with them to achieve their and my goals. Hopefully by setting goals and being open to students needs, and differences, I will be able to set an open, active environment full of growth while I teach physical education.

1 comment:

  1. Planning specific opportunities for engagement is key to building rapport with your students. We must never assume all children are aware of the "morals" that you speak of; respect, self control, cooperation etc... Teaching them these social skills is imperative to their being successful in their future experiences. I totally agree with you that everyone should be included and involved no matter what abilities or disabilities they have. Great post!
