Wednesday, September 22, 2010

In class we were given some stations with some equipment at each station and asked to create a game, we were then asked to write about two of the games that we invented and we should cover the topics of:
1.        Equipment used
2.       Age group intended
3.       Rules
4.       Modifications
5.       Skills that you were working on
6.       Comment on any things that you liked or disliked/frustrated working within your groups. 
First game is:
Purple cape dodgeball
Equipment used:
Purple cape (could be any color or could be a piney), a bucket (should be two buckets), and two balls of different colors.
Age group intended:
I believe this is a great game for most ages. I would recommend grade 4 up although.
Rules and possible modifications:
This game is for a group of kids .. better with 5 or more. One is chosen to wear the cape and hold the ball while the rest line up facing each other with the other colored ball a length away from each other (choose appropriate length for throwing and running). The buckets are placed in the center of the lined up kids one on either side. the caped one must run from one side to the other and back to the other side, once back to the other side they can then attempt to get the ball in the bucket. while the caped one is running back and forth the lined up ones are throwing the ball at the caped one (chest and below only) if the ball touches the caped one whomever threw the ball is now caped and must get the ball in the bucket. If the ball gets in the bucket that is a point for the caped person.
Distancing of lined people, amount of balls or buckets, when scoring with the ball the caped one could go on like normal or they could have the option of passing the cape to another person.
Skills that we are working on:
Coordination, running, teamwork, and balance
When we worked on this game in class I enjoyed this game because it evened out the playing field, by evening out the playing field I mean that we had some really sporty people and we had some people that weren't quite so sporty (and I’m sure all classes do) and through this game we all had a chance to be “it”.

Head balance relay
Equipment used:
Cones and bean bags
Age group intended :
I am sure any age group could play this game it is fun and could be made harder or easier.
set up a slalom (back and forth) course with an upside down cone on either end. Teams will start on either end, they use the same course. balancing the beanbag on their head they must weave in and out through all the cones to the upside down one, then they must drop the bean bag in the cone without using their hands or dropping the bean bag. if the bean bag is dropped anywhere in the course they must go back to the beginning and begin again. only one person from each team is allowed to go at once and they must complete the course before another person from their team can go. once a whole team has gone through the number of times set (we did three bean bags each) whoever finishes first wins.
you could use buckets instead of overturned cones to make it easier, you can decide if when dropping the bag in the cone, if the side gets hit and it tips over of that is counted or not, you could have specific numbers printed on the beanbag and they could be counted for score or called out by the teacher, or colors or shapes. This game has many modifications including how big the track is or what you drop into or what is used on the head, we decided that people were allowed to try and psych the other team as they passed.
Skills you are working on:
balance, teamwork, respect, coordination
When we worked on this game our team created it using at least one idea from everyone, we worked well together and we had a lot of fun with this one. I believe this was my favorite game of the day.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like your worked well within your group. Fun is the key.
