Bomb Squad
Required: Large play area, Gripper Football or FlingSock
Players: Large groups
Start with two teams. One team is playing offense the other is defense. The bomb squad is the offense and has less people than the defense. The bomb squad will devise a plan of how to get the bomb to the goal. The bomb can be anything good things to play with are the Gripper Football or the FlingSock. The defense sets up men to guard the goal, which can be anything, but it has to be big so it can be hit by the bomb. The defense sets up men all over the boundaries (big field is good or woods). The bomb squad tries to get past all the guards and hit the goal. If a member of the bomb squad is captured then they go to jail which defense should guard also. The captured player can get out if his/her teammate taps them. If the goal is hit, bomb squad wins but if all the bomb squad members are caught, defense wins. To make it even more interesting or harder, send two bomb squads with one ball each, which makes it harder for the defence.
Required: Balloons, string and safe play area
Players: Large groups
Pick one person to be the Zombie, that player will not be given a balloon. All other players will be given one balloon with a piece of string to tie around their waist. Once the balloon is tied on, players must position the balloon to be in the middle of their back clearly exposed. Players are given a 45 second head start to hide from the Zombie. The Zombie is released to go and make other Zombies by popping other student's balloons. Once a player's balloon is popped (either by accidentally or by a Zombie) they become a Zombie and begin to pop other player's balloons as well. The game is timed and at the end when the allotted time is complete, any non-Zombies will be the winners. For something more challenging try playing without lights.
Pizza Shop
Players: Medium to large groups
Two people (pizza makers) stand in the middle of the gym and the rest of the players stand behind a line at one end of the gym. The coordinator goes down the line informing them what topping they are by saying pepperoni, mushroom, or ham. The pizza makers are to call out one topping and those toppings are to run across the gym past the safe line. If they’re tagged they must stop where there at and sit down. They try to tag anyone that passes them during the game. Do this until there are only two people remain in the game. They are the new pizza makers
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